
Wednesday, June 28, 2017

How to make your photos come alive

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How to make your photos come alive

How to Create a Sureal Looking Character With A-dvanced Retouching Techniques


In this detailed 3-hour Video Tutorial, I will show you step by step how you can turn an average Joe into a surreal eye-popping character using a-dvanced retouching techniques. We will also be working on a-dding light effects to the image, a-dding a rim light around our character and then color gra-ding our scene to make it look rather creepy.

This Photoshop tutorial will benefit anyone who wants to take their game to the next level when it comes to creative portrait retouching!

Click this For More Details About This Tutorial + Bigger Images

If you are on this website and have rea-d until this point, it's because you are a motivated artist that wants to improve and you realize that to fully unleash your talent, you need the technical kn0wledge you might be missing to fully express it.

Learning all the ways you can edit your photos and images is like someone that finally learns the proper draw-ing techniques. Before, the person was making interesting doodles, n0w he/she's creating works of art. The talent was the-re but it was not fully utilized. And it's the same thing with digital art and photo editing, once you learn the proper methods, you then unleash the creativity in you that couldn't fully be expressed before.

What you'll learn on this site is just the start, a glimpse of what's possible for you to achieve. By joining this site and practicing what I'll teach you, I firmly believe that you too can become a photo/image editing expert. You may doubt your potential at first but I guara-ntee you that after surprising yourself a few times with better than expected results, your confidence will grow and you will be believing in your true potential.

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