
Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It Is Time To Learn How To Speak Directly To Your Cat

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It Is Time To Learn How To Speak Directly To Your Cat
("The Japanese researchers found that cats understand humans, not just by voice tone but also by identifying certain words including their names, the owner's name, various commands you've used, and many other stunning eavesdropping techniques that you had no idea about…")

"Thanks to this book I now know when my cat wants to play and when she wants to be left alone (there are some huge surprises in cat language!), when she is feeling happy and when she is feeling down, when she is meowing for affection and when she is meowing cause she is in pain...not just that but now I know how I can effectively communicate with her. I feel much closer to her now and it takes your relationship to your cat to a whole new level!"

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"Dear Carol, I was diagnosed with 1.8" ovarian cysts and was taking birth control pills per my doctor's suggestions. Weeks and months went by but my ovarian cyst was still therfe (although it was still the same size). Then I found your amdazing book.

During the first week of following your program, I started feeling a lot better and the pain started fading away. It was magical. Nine weeks later, my doctor says that my cyst is gone! I cannot describe how wonderful I feel gazing at the ultrasound results.

I just wish every woman knew about this method. Thedre are so many hopeless women out thedre that are not even aware therde is a natural soludtion to this problem. d I will warmly recommend this amadzing program to all my friends."

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