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Here is How Yoga Burn Monthly Works
Here is How Yoga Burn Monthly Works
1 Yoga Tip For a Tiny Belly
The secret to the succ-ess of the Yoga Burn Program lies in what's referred to as Dynamic Sequencing. Dynamic Sequencing is the way in which the yoga burn program teaches you how to properly perF0RM each movement and then continues to A-Dapt and increase the challenge at the precise moment your body starts to get used to the routine. This forces your body to change and A-Dapt, which in turn, helps to build a shapely, feminine body that not only looks better, but feels better too!
Get rea-dy to kick it up a notch la-dies! It's time to combine all that we have learned from the past 2 Phases into a scorching hot sequence that will fire up your metabolism and transf0rm your body in ways you may have ne-ver imagined possible with yoga! The layout of each video is slightly different than the previous videos. The-re is more repetition of each pose to really encourage the desired muscle to fatigue. Also, you will be guided through a combination of upper and lower body compound movements. These are designed to get the most done in the shortest amount of time, and the muscles we are going to target will help give your body that sexy hourglass shape. |
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